Acknowledged and Trusted


Acknowledged and Trusted


Acknowledged by the UK Environment Agency, our methodologies enable us to assess our  clients' individual requirements.


Every business is different so as a first step, an initial Gap Analysis is undertaken to determine your needs and establish core objectives:

  • All existing data is reviewed, including product listings, codes, descriptions, sizes and general categories.
  • If key data is missing, we may seek authorization to contact packaging or product suppliers for this.
  • Finally, we will request sales quantities by product (or percentage apportionment) to establish the level of work involved.

We can then send you a commercial proposal and remember there is no cost to prospective clients up to this point, nor any commitment sought. Confidentiality Agreements are signed prior to any information being shared.

Greenstreets’ methodologies are acknowledged by regulatory authorities in the UK, Ireland, France, Austria, Canada and Australia.


Two elements essentially make up the costs:

  1. Gathering and verifying Packaging Data: This depends on the availability and quality of data and the ease that we can obtain any missing data. Most can be got from suppliers, though sampling methodologies may be used to supplement this.

  2. Preparing and submitting reports to Compliance Scheme: Once verified, data is uploaded onto specialist software which sorts and applies specific rules. This is largely automated, however, all reports are reviewed by analysts before submission.

We will provide costed proposals within 2 working days of requested data being made available.


Greenstreets packaging data services