What next?

My Business is Obligated

What next?
What next?

My Business is Obligated

What next?

Obligated Businesses

An Obligated Business must register annually, either directly with the Environment Agency or through a compliance scheme as a packaging producer. Companies must submit annual data returns on their packaging activities to calculate their obligation which translates into a fee to be paid.


Obligation fees are based on:

  • Quantity and type of material reported
  • Activities carried out (manufacturing, selling etc.)
  • Current UK recycling targets


Obligation fees are charged through the purchase of Packaging Recovery Notes (PRNs). These provide evidence that an equivalent tonnage of the packaging your business produces has been recycled. PRNs are based on open market prices and may fluctuate, which can have significant budgeting and cost implications for your business.

Managing your data therefore is important, to ensure that what you report is correct and accurate so that you don't pay more than you should. Compiling this information is different for every company and for some, this can be cumbersome and time-consuming.


How Greenstreets can help